Yes, you can create an macro to run iteration based on change in a cell value (loop), and save the file/sheet as pdf at the end of each loop.
This was my inspiration. How to create a macro Make sure the text you want to change is selected In the File menu, select New > Macro (Ctrl+N) You can select the text or the range (this also does a “copy” of the cell), as well as click the Add button (F9) Name it and press Enter (press 'y' to cancel and then enter). If you make this macro multiple times, for each macro named 'Loop_cell', it works fine. If you create macros with different names and enter the filename in the macro as it was in the original, it won't work. You can now choose between a Text, Range or Picture button. In this case, I chose Picture, but all the others will work fine. Click Add. Macro's name should be 'Macro-Copy-to-PDF-Macropdf.VBS' Save your macro somewhere in the directory where your macro is saved (the macro you just created works fine in C:\Users\[your name]\Documents\Windows PowerShell\Modules\PowerShell\Macro\). Run the macro, and.