If you want to convert word to pdf without changing its format and layout then I would say that you should use a professional online tool like PDFdoctor quickly do the conversion by preserving the original text and layout. If you use this tool then it is assured that the double spacing and font size will be exactly the same in the converted pdf document. The best part is that you can use this tool without downloading any additional tool or app as it browser based converter that can be used on any smartphone in browser or if you like you can also use it on computer or tablet. Just visit and upload your word doc and wait for few seconds to let the magic happen. Your converted pdf file with original text, fonts and spacing would be available in couple of seconds which you can directly download on your smartphone, pc or sync with your cloud storage like Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.
I've seen the same typeface as my question, Postscript, being used on PDFs before. It is not Postscript. So your question really is how do you find the correct font for Times New Roman? Here is an article you can reference. From: johnnies 11:14 am (UTC) John, My point is I will find out the answer. I don't have to go to your site--I can just Google it for you. I also believe that once in a while, you really do help people, and that's what this site should be all about. Thanks again for your post, and for the information about it. From: jewels 11:08 am (UTC) I appreciate the help. I also appreciate your site, though you have some of the worst spelling/grammar for a website I've ever seen, and that makes understanding difficult. My apologies. I was going to post the link to the PDF with your answer, but.