This new set of actions for Photos on Mac allows you to apply watermarks in a variety of ways and in a variety of locations, without having to wait for manual editing or conversion, using a simple drag-and-drop system. In this tutorial, I will show how to use automation to apply watermarks, and what kind of watermarks are most useful for my workflow. In this tutorial, I will use some basic images that you can acquire or purchase on the Internet, for demonstration purposes only. What are the differences between automata and photos? Automaton is a program that allows you to automate repetitive tasks such as copying and pasting text. Images, on the other hand, are a unique type of object that can't be copied or pasted. To automate a process in Photo for Mac, you need to use your mouse and a combination of actions and filters that use the Apple menu bar and the Dock. What are the limitations? In addition to the limitations described earlier, there are a number of other rules and restrictions. One restriction is that any text or image you choose to Automate must contain only a single line of text. The image or text must be visible in the Finder. Any automation commands that you execute need to be executed from within the automaton. You cannot add additional actions to a file, for example, by renaming or adding more commands to the file itself. When creating or editing automation commands, keep in mind that the Automaton process runs entirely on the Finder's command window, which can't be modified or deleted from within the automaton. As discussed in the previous section, you can't use your keyboard while operating a Mac, so you need either use a mouse or trackpad. The last restriction (and probably the most important one) is that the text (or image as the case may be) must be placed on a file with a .DMG or .sit name extension. These will also be recognized while using Photo for Mac in the Finder, where they are presented as an icon file. To apply a watermark to a new file, drag it to the Dock, and a small icon will appear. From there, you can save or crop the image and then apply the watermark to it. To use Automaton, first select an image in the Gallery View by holding the Option key on your keyboard.