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Why Won T My Draft Watermark Appear On All Pages: What You Should Know

Microsoft Word for Mac: click on Create watermark, and then select a watermark from the list How to select multiple objects with watermark — Microsoft Office Forums How to apply watermark to objects on a page: Select one or more objects on a page and click on Design > Watermark, and select your watermark from the drop-down box  Microsoft Office for Mac: click on Pages > Watermark, and select your watermark I believe it's the watermark, not the page, that's affecting the page. I think if I had watermark on a page, on which only text was added, not any image, its watermark might be seen as a text object not an object. How can objects with watermark be selected without watermark appearing? You can select multiple objects of a page, select all, and then right-click on the object and select watermark (not a page). It's as if all those objects have now been changed to watermark only. When you have watermark on all objects, it would appear as such on each and any page. When watermark is not applied to an object, it will appear differently on the page. May 19, 2025 — When I click on Watermark under the Styles tab, it doesn't make any difference. I have two different watermark styles on the same page. In the top, it's all the text on each page. In the bottom is all the watermark. When I click on the watermark on these two pages, the whole page is changed to watermark. The watermark is there, but I can't change page or any text or any image. How to change Page Watermark [Solved] watermark is applied to a specific page — Microsoft Office Forums I've been having issues with watermark not appearing on a specific page, after I created a new document. I tried creating a new document, then adding a page with watermark, then opening it in the previous version, opening new document in current version, then setting a page in the previous version. It doesn't seem to work. The watermark doesn't appear when the document is opened, even though there is a watermark on that page. I use a Mac OS X computer and have tried with and without watermark on a bunch of other file types. Not seeing a difference on any other file formats.

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