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How To Insert Border In Word 2019: What You Should Know

Create borders in Word ‎ For more information about how to add custom page borders to your document, read How to Add a Frame Border to a Page. If you are looking for an easy way to create a new border of your own, you can download the FREE Word 2025 User Guide, which explains how to do this with a single click or by going to. How to Add Custom Pages ‎ If you want to include a custom page in your document, it's easy. First, go to the Office page in Word by clicking on the Office button in the top-right corner. Click on the Edit menu and then on a Pages icon. Then click on Create a Page to open the page and change the settings. You can add a custom page to an existing worksheet only, if you are editing an existing sheet. You can create a new worksheet for a new row by clicking on Edit and then New Worksheet. Add a page to Word Open a Word document of whatever sort you have opened. Once in the document, click the presentation ribbon to expand the ribbon and then click Insert. This pops up a window that features a list of the files to be inserted. Click the Home tab and click on Pages. In Word 2019, you have to click the Page tab and then click on Edit Page. If you are working with 2016, you do this by clicking On Page in Word. Once you click Edit, you can change the settings for a custom page like you would change any other page. Click the drop-down menu next to Border Style and make sure You want to select the new borders and choose the size of the custom borders first (from the Border Width to Border Length range). You might want to choose the same size as the size of the background images in your page. Click OK to return to the list of files and start editing the borders. The rest of the steps are the same in Word 2016.

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