You can also check this on the Home tab: When the watermark is invisible in paper or printing, the only option is to try and solve watermark problem in other ways. Steps: 1.) Remove watermark : You can either drag a tool over watermark and try and remove it. 2.) Try and solve watermark problem by moving your cursor around the text. 3.) Disable watermark : If you still are facing the same problem, then consider disabling the watermark or use a text replacement plug-in to get rid of watermark completely. 4.) Try a third-party watermark blocker like Watermark, that will completely hide watermark, and can be a great alternative to the watermark in Word. If the watermark is still not removed in any of the above options, then you may want to remove it by using a paperclip. Step 1: Hold a paper clip on the white part of the white side of page to be removed by watermark, and press watermark from below Step 2: Step3: Open your document. If the paperclip is removed successfully, then you may want to try using a watermark removal pencil (like this one) that will remove the watermark completely.