Make sure your watermark is aligned in the exact position you want it — Word Studio How to Place a Watermark on Specific Page — Erin Wright Writing When you select a watermark in the Design (or Page Layout) panel, a Watermark toolbar appears. Make sure that this tool is visible in a design project before you apply a watermark to the actual page. You can see the watermark toolbar on the left side of the page and the watermark tool on the right side. How to Insert a Watermark in Certain Pages — Erin Wright Writing When you place the cursor inside a page and right-click on a watermark, you see a Watermark toolbar, with four options to choose from. If you do not see the toolbar, click on the Layout tab, then press Insert at Current Screen. For watermarked text on the Page Header, Footer, or Side Bar area, insert the watermark in the area that has not yet been watermarked. How to Move Watermarks in Pages on Mac On the top line of the left-hand toolbar for each watermark, select Move — or click and drag to move it. If the tool does not have an icon, you can press the Edit option for the Watermark toolbar and select from the palette a Move tool. On the left-hand toolbar in the Design tab, you can position watermarks by dragging the watermark, or you can choose Move — or click and drag to move it. If the tool does not have an icon, you can press the Edit option for the Watermark toolbar and select from the palette a Move tool. How to Add Content to the Page — Erin Wright Writing In Word, you use the Page Layout panel to put the content you design (or photos you place on a photo library) on a page. In Word, you can use the Page Layout panel to: Add a title page, a main content area, or other specific information Insert a custom logo, graphic, or text Add or move photos, video, or audio files that are embedded in any pages Add or move watermarks or custom text in watermarked pages by dragging the marker, or moving and dropping the marker in the text area for the watermark. Make sure the watermark's cursor is correctly positioned in the text box; if not, it should be in the same place on all pages.
In this lesson we will look at how to work with applying page borders and colors and adding watermarks to our document in our document we're going to go into the design ribbon and we're going to work primarily with this page background group will work in the order of watermark page color and border since that's the order we have on the ribbon a watermark is a great way for you to add an image to your background you can also add text such as draft mode or maybe even your name I'm gonna go ahead and click on watermark there's some default ones go ahead and click on one of those default ones if you'd like and you can see the watermark on your document go back to watermark you'll see that you have the option to have a diagonal watermark or just a standard horizontal watermark towards the bottom here you can search Office com4 watermarks I'm gonna go ahead and choose custom watermark when you open up the custom watermark window you have the option to remove the watermark maybe you applied one you don't want it anymore maybe your document is no longer in draft mode now if you would like to use an image as a watermark you can go ahead and select the picture watermark option I'm going to use the coastline image I'm selecting the picture option my image is on the computer so I'm going to click browse and here's my coastline image I'll go ahead and click insert once you have the image selected it's going to display the path I'm going to accept the default settings here for this scale but we'll go ahead and come back to it down at the bottom go ahead and click apply if...