Add a Watermark to Slide Masters Using a Text Box: If you like adding a watermark to all the slides in a master, you have to draw all the text boxes manually. Click on the View menu and select Insert > Text Box. This takes you to the text Box” dialog. Click and drag to draw the text box on the slide master. How to add a watermark using the “Insert” option on a master You can add an image as well. Right-click your master in the Project Explorer and choose To create > Image. In the select Image” submenu, choose a different image file. To add any other image as well, click and drag the image that you want to place over the text that you want to add to the watermark. How to set watermarks in PowerPoint Watermarking slides makes it easier for visitors to scan and navigate your slides: Scan and navigate Slide master slides To remove watermarks from the master, drag the text or image object How to Add a Watermark to Slide Masters Using Images For added value, a slide master with watermarks can also help you with the copy and paste steps to share your slides with your team, too: Share a slide in PowerPoint using a text watermark If your slides feature text watermarks, there are three ways to use those watermarks: Copy and paste the watermark text of a slide on slide in another slide. If you can't find the watermark text in your slides in the master, you can also copy the photo of the image (or use the image's reference number); just copy the image's metadata with an asterisk (). Add the watermark text from your image source to a slide. For each of these options, click the add”, add ‑ Reference”. How to Add a Watermark to Slide Masters Using Image from Slide Source Now, when you copy a slide as an image and paste that image into your Slide master, your master's watermark will be added using the image's metadata.