Aspose.PDF. Kit for Java is a set of libraries for working with PDF documents, including support for the following features: — A set of classes that enables you to manipulate PDF documents — A PDF application that can do things like change the page size, rotate an image, add text to the page, etc. — A way to display the result of a PDF manipulation program like PDF.exe from the Java side — A way to modify the default settings for the PDF application, e.g., the height or width of the page — A way of automatically creating images for output — A lot of other features that allow you to create complex pages, embed documents in PDF documents, do transformations, etc. The API of PDF Kit for Java is very much similar to the API of Box. Appose, a component library for creating PDF documents. The differences are mainly the name of the ComponentSource (PDF Kit. ComponentSource) and the class of the ComponentSource, depending on the library you use. Getting Started with PDF Kit The PDF Kit (PDF Kit. ComponentSource) is a component that enables the application to be able to generate PDF documents. The application will create a PDF document that is the same size as it is, or different sizes if it can. Aspect correction is then automatically applied to the generated PDF document, since the PDF Kit. ComponentSource can work with Adobe Acrobat (APD raw) and PDF 1.5. It is also possible to use PDF Kit. ComponentSource on the Java side of the application. This can be particularly useful when you want to create a PDF document that is dynamically resized: Aspect corrections are only applied when the document is not visible, e.g., when the PDF viewer is in the background. Since the PDF Kit. ComponentSource does not make a difference about whether it is the background or a visible document, it can then be used on both sides without conflicts. In short, just do the following steps to create the PDF document that will be used as input for Aspose.PDF. Kit: Create or select an existing PDF document, or create the PDF document itself Create a PDF Kit. ComponentSource of the same class of the PDF document Create the document as shown in The sample .jar is a class that makes the user's input of the document visible. You can put all your components in a single file, in a Java library that uses JNI, and that is then used in multiple Jams. Example of using PDF Kit.