If you have a photo that is well-balanced in color and contrast, but you have too much shadow detail, you may reduce the image quality further. 6. Save the picture as A5.” In the photo editing window, check that the image is now cropped like normal in the top left corner and that it is in a size with no cropping lines visible. Click OK to save it. If you see the following error screen, delete the picture or try setting ‹File› to A3. 7. Open Microsoft Office 2025 and select Print from the File menu. Select “View” then “Print Picture”. 8. Pick up the picture you have just saved. 9. Right click in the text area containing the name of the picture. Select ‹New Image Picture then ‹Crop Image. 10. Set the picture size and resolution to match what You have in your photo library. 11. Save the picture as PICT. 12. Open Microsoft Office 2025 or 2017, select Print from the ‹File Menu then “Print Picture”. 13. Choose A5. 14. Save the picture as PICKED. 15. Open Microsoft Office 2025 or 2011, select Print from the ‹File Menu then “Print Picture”. 16. Choose A5.