JavaScript) — HTML: .html/HTML/XHTML/XML/javascript.js | No markup, no scripts, no frames .text/JavaScript .js .gif .JSX .jsx.gif .jsp 2. JavaScript:(JavaScript) — HTML: .html/HTML/XHTML/XML/javascript.js | No markup, no scripts, no frames .text/JavaScript .js .html .css .JSX .jsx.gif .jsp 3. HTML & CSS (CSS): No markup .html
First, remove all useless elements from the web. Drop it in your Omnibus, or run it in the DevTools console.
4. HTML & CSS (CSS): No markup .cssFirst, remove all useless elements from the web. Drop it in your Omnibus, or run it in the DevTools console.
5. HTML & CSS (CSS): No markup .cssFirst, remove all useless elements from the web. Drop it in your Omnibus, or run it in the DevTools console.