How to Add Watermarks to PDF on Mac (Apple) Open all PDF's and create watermark in Preview. This will create a watermark for the pages. If you are having problems adding watermark, this may be the solution. How to Add Watermarks to PDF on Mac Jun 24, 2025 — How to add watermark to PDF with some basic tips on Mac. There are more to the story. Step-By-Step Guide For Adding Watermark As Watermark: Get PDF in Preview or your Documents folder (if you are not in the Documents' folder already). Copy the image. Then find it using the image and use the following steps to add a watermark to it: 1. Edit the PDF in Preview. Open your PDF file. 2. Under Options, click the watermark button in the top right corner to enable Preview (optional). 3. On the left side, there will be a little watermark icon. (Use the icon or click on the text in the editor.) Click the watermark icon or text. 4. Go to File > Preferences then click the Watermark icon. 5. Add watermark to PDF from page thumbnails. Choose “Page Thumbnail” as the thumbnail from a PDF. You can click on it to set the transparency for the image (make it transparent). 6. Edit again in Preview and put the watermark icon to the bottom of the page where you want to display and the page you want to watermark. 7. Enjoy. How to add a Watermark To PDF on Mac (Windows Included) In a word: Copy image, then change name to something, create a watermark in Preview, and it will work. A new watermark will be made, when you open PDF. How to Add Watermark To PDF On Mac (Windows Included) Step-By-Step Guide Step 1. Open image in the Preview app, then click on the Watermark button and the watermark will appear. Step 2. Open PDF in Preview (if not already in your Documents folder), and click on the watermark button in the upper right corner of watermark window. Step 3. In the Preview app, press the watermark button Step 4. In the Preview app, change the settings, choose 'Image Only' for the image (instead of 'watermark') and click Apply. Step 5.
Hey guys welcome back to another techguru video so in this video today we're in Adobe Acrobat Pro I'm going to be showing you how to add a watermark to your PDF so if you're uploading a PDF for someone to download but you don't want them to steal it you know copy and paste it save image as whatever you may want to add a watermark to protect your PDF so in order to do that go ahead and open up your PDF within Acrobat Pro now if you don't know how to do that you can go back here open up Acrobat Pro go to storage my computer find the document on your computer and then just open up the PDF it'll probably be zoomed in a whole lot you can you know reduce the size this is just a test PDF here that I'm going to show you so all you need to do is once you have your PDF open in Acrobat Pro go over to the right hand side you're going to see a lot of different tools here and then you're going to want to go to edit PDF it's got the pink lines right beside it and then once you do that you'll see some other tools come up available above the document go to watermark right here click on the down arrow there and then go to add once you've done that the watermark option panel will come available to you and it will look something like this now you will insert the text right here so I'm going to go ahead and type in watermark just like so now it doesn't look good like that obviously so what you normally want to do is go ahead and rotate it by 45...